Qaitlin Peterson

My photo
Appalachian State University, B.S Anthropology, 2010 University of Michigan, Master of Social Work (MSW), Pending December 2011

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Brunch at Cocoa Chai
            After a long Saturday, our remaining group members needed a break from the hectic house. We met up with Scott (aka Panda), another volunteer staying in Cape Town for a few extra days, to sooth our stress over brunch. Cocoa Chai, located in Observatory, is a sunny café that offers a delicious brunch for cheap.  My two favorite eaters, Scott and Kristen, joined me in trying various options on the menu.  After fulfilling our appetites, our load felt a little lighter and our heads were better able to take in the day. 

Holistic Fair
            Following brunch, we headed off to a Holistic Fair held at the Observatory Community Center every month.  We walked in the sunshine until we came upon a small grassy park filled with vendors, food, and children’s games.  I wondered around the fair commenting vendors to my friends.  While my friends wondered, I found a woman who was creating intricate Henna tattoos.  After watching her squeeze the dark paste-y dye into beautiful designs, I asked her to choose a design for me.  Kristen and Scott watched happily as she delicately covered my arm with winding flowers and leaves.  As she created, she told me about her sons and about Deaf culture and education in Cape Town.  I eagerly listened to her story about how her son was not allowed to sign in school and the lack of resources for children who are deaf.  I also shared with her more about Deaf culture in the United States and the push for sign language to be considered a valid language.  As she finished my arm, she handed me her card and I thanked her. 

Table Mountain
            With beautiful weather and a need for some stress relief, Kristen, Scott, and I decided to climb Table Mountain.  We switch backed our way up the two to three hour trail in one and half hours.  We stopped from time to time to catch our breath on the up mountain trail and appreciate the view.  As we found our way through the fog or “table clothe”, we reached the top of Table Mountain.  As the fog cleared, we made our way across the table to view Cape Town.  The view was breath taking and indescribable.   I stood with Scott and Kristen and watched the sun set on Cape Town. 

1 comment:

  1. Qaitlin,
    Would love some pics. Sounds like a wonderful day. I especially want to see the hennaed arm.
