Qaitlin Peterson

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Appalachian State University, B.S Anthropology, 2010 University of Michigan, Master of Social Work (MSW), Pending December 2011

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Load

Role Play
            On Thursday, I finished my forensic assessment training.  After going through the schedule for the office, several of my co-workers and I crammed into a small office to practice our in-take skills.  One co-worker pretended to be a caregiver while each of us facilitated a forensic interview. 
            Overall, my interview captured the needed information from the pseudo-client.  I went through the confidentiality agreement and gathered information on the family and abuse.  I was nervous at first, but I became more comfortable as I asked the questions.  The more practice I can get the better.    

            Today, June 15, I was handed my caseload.  I spent the day familiarizing myself with twelve different client files.  I set up appointments with each of the client’s caregivers for next week.  It took all day to make appointments.  I contacted the caregivers by phone or by sending out letters.  My calendar is filled with meetings, events, and forensic interviews.  Now, I just need to find time to debrief….

All I can say is thank the world for Stephanie, Kristen, and Taylor.  My helping professional support group.  Without your support and our round robin debrief, I would not be sane right now.  

1 comment:

  1. Great that you are a good team. You all are dealing with heavy caseloads and heart rending realities. Keep it up. You are special.
