Qaitlin Peterson

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Appalachian State University, B.S Anthropology, 2010 University of Michigan, Master of Social Work (MSW), Pending December 2011

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Finding a Balance

            It is difficult to find a balance between work and a personal life.  Many young people I have met seem to easily understand where the line between workaholic and human being is drawn.  I have yet to find this elusive balance.  Like many social workers or helping professionals, I find myself giving more to others than to myself. 
            During my time in the Masters of Social Work program at University of Michigan, I was placed with the Detroit Initiative.  Though I learned a lot about community work, grant writing, and teamwork, I found myself isolated.  Sometimes I would get lost in my work, but other times I found myself dealing with heavy experiences alone. 
            I continue to struggle understand what it means to live a balanced life.  Currently, I am beginning to realize that I need more than a career, exercise and healthy eating.  I am beginning to realize I need to find and tap into my own support system.

1 comment:

  1. Part of the balance is leaving time for fun. Find something you love to do, and do it. Another piece is loving others and creating a social network around yourself, which I find hard to do.
