Qaitlin Peterson

My photo
Appalachian State University, B.S Anthropology, 2010 University of Michigan, Master of Social Work (MSW), Pending December 2011

Friday, July 8, 2011

Surf's Up

False Bay & Surfing           
            On June 25, after a long week, our group went on a search for adventure and stress relief.  Taylor, Stephanie, Kristen, and I made our way to the Rose Bank train station to catch a train to False Bay.  We hopped on the afternoon train to Muizenburg.  I had made arrangements for surfing lessons at 2:00 with the Surf Shack.  We arrived at the Muizenburg beach with our towels, swimsuits, and spirits of adventure in tow.  I was eager to meet our instructors and get into the water.  I couldn’t wait to touch the ocean and attempt to catch a wave. 
            Up until the surfing lesson, I had never had the opportunity to swim in the ocean.  I had, of course, walked along beaches and let the water come up to my calves, but I had never swam in the ocean.  The instructor thought I was joking when I asked if I should be worried that this was my first ocean experience.  As I squished in a wet suit, I wondered if I should be concerned about swimming in the ocean, but adrenaline and my friend’s encouragement quickly erased all my fears.
            After a short discussion about shark safety (False Bay hold a large portion of the Great White population), we grabbed our boards and followed our instructors into the great blue.  The ocean was freezing, salty, and beautiful.  I don’t think I have ever felt so amazing in all my life. 
            For over an hour, Kristen and I met wave after wave with no fear.  I pushed myself up on my board time after time riding the wave for a few seconds before falling off.  By the end of the day, my feet were numb, my abs were sore, and I was incredibly happy. 

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome! You guys are to be commended for taking your own advice and getting away. Qaitlin, you must be so strong to stand on your board. Are you going to do it again?
